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  • Kathryn Lynn Trammel

How to Discover Your Motivation for a Career Change and Get on the Road to Success

Changing careers is frequently motivated by a desire for greater personal fulfillment. This may result in more excellent compensation or a more balanced work-life balance. However, this may also be the case for many individuals who desire greater flexibility. The easiest method to determine your motivation is to consider your desired lifestyle. For instance, a person may want to work from home more often or have more spare time. If these are your objectives, you can begin to consider a suitable professional path.

A fast-paced profession might be exhilarating, but it can wear you down quickly. You might consider switching to a less demanding position if your current position involves tremendous stress and strain. Thus, you can take your abilities and experience a lifestyle change.

Changing occupations can be complex, but it is not necessarily impossible. Taking baby steps can help you get on the road to success. In addition, learning how to network is an effective career-change technique. Networking with professionals in your field might provide helpful information and help you overcome obstacles.

Another typical reason for changing careers is financial security. People with established careers can occasionally afford to take a wage cut to pursue a passion project, launch a side business, or accept a less profitable position. When you find something you love and are passionate about, you're more likely to continue with it than if you're stuck in an unfulfilling career. You and your family will benefit from more excellent compensation and advancement opportunities.

In addition to the financial incentive, other factors might affect an individual's happiness. Unhappy employees were substantially more likely to report impatience, stress, and frequent absenteeism, according to a survey by Glassdoor. Moreover, a higher wage is associated with greater satisfaction. A high-paying career also brings social benefits, such as retirement preparation and child care. If you're considering a career change, it's essential to understand what inspires you and what you'll miss by remaining in your current position.

If your motivation for a career shift is ambivalent or low, approaches from Motivational Interviewing (MI) can assist. Reflective listening is crucial for fostering rapport between a client and a counselor. A competent counselor will attempt to elicit an individual's enthusiasm for the changes they are contemplating and employ MI approaches to enhance their motivation to change.

A company's success is dependent upon its ability to motivate its employees. Therefore, employee motivation and job happiness are prioritized by high-performing firms. This results in increased productivity and customer happiness. And it is essential to recognize that employees have diverse needs and skills. Therefore, managers cannot rely solely on a single type of incentive.

Individuals' professional futures are heavily influenced by their job and educational decisions. Some individuals clearly know what they want to achieve professionally and base their school choices and career decisions on this objective. Others are hesitant and change occupations and majors frequently. A career change may be motivated by something as fundamental as a personal choice or a professional shift.

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